Video volume of triangular prism
Video volume of triangular prism

video volume of triangular prism

Many witnesses describe what they perceive to be the crafts’ extraordinary abilities. ‘Exceeded the Limits of Conventional Aviation’

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video volume of triangular prism

Similar incidents continued in the region for several years. Later that year, a hulking triangular UFO hovering over a stretch of New York’s Taconic Parkway prompted a huge traffic pile-up as scores of motorists stopped to get a better look. Soravilla said he called Stewart Air Force Base in nearby Newburgh to determine whether one of its C-5 transport planes-then the world’s largest and heaviest aircraft-had been in the skies that night none had. One witness, Kevin Soravilla, a retired lieutenant from the Yorktown Police Department, described a huge, silent craft, 100 yards from wingtip to wingtip, hovering low, which banked and made a 45-degree turn before abruptly speeding off. Many of these incidents would be attributed by officials to atmospheric conditions, weather balloons or other everyday sources, but some remained unexplained.Īn illustration depicting a triangle UFO.īetween 19, a notable rash of mass sightings occurred in New York’s Hudson Valley, some 50 miles north of New York City. In 1969, two National Guard pilots tailed a “triangular shaped object, 50 feet in diameter” for 20 minutes over San Juan, Puerto Rico, until they ran low on fuel and had to return to their base. During the 1960s, at the height of Cold War UFO fever, mysterious flying triangles were reported over Connecticut, Georgia, Pennsylvania and Texas-as well as London, Madrid and Czechoslovakia. In the 1950s, ‘60s and ‘70s, triangular UFO reports hailed from across the U.S. READ MORE: Are UFOs a Threat to National Security? This Ex-US Official Thinks They Warrant Investigation An International Phenomenon Mellon is now an integral part of the investigative team featured on HISTORY's “ Unidentified: Inside America’s UFO Investigation.” Bush administrations, whose career has focused on unconventional threats to American security.

video volume of triangular prism

“There have been many instances in which these vehicles have been observed over bases operated by the Strategic Air Command,” says Chris Mellon, former deputy assistant secretary of defense for intelligence during the Clinton and George W. Given their consistent hovering behavior, Marler says, they might be engaged in “surveillance of some nature-or scanning. spy craft-as some speculate-or something of unknown origin, their purpose remains mysterious. David Marler, UFO researcher and author of Triangular UFOs: An Estimate of the Situation, says he has reviewed more than 17,000 case files involving unidentified triangular craft, sometimes called “black triangles.” Whether the sightings represent advanced U.S. But witnesses then, and since, have described a wide array of shapes: saucers (or two saucers put together), eggs, hats, cigars, boomerangs, lightbulbs-even Tic Tac candies.Īmong the most commonly reported shapes were V-shaped, arrowhead-like or triangular. Air Force coined the term “unidentified flying object” in 1952, reports often referred to UFOs generically as flying saucers. Within the larger mystery of the UFO phenomenon is another, still-unsolved puzzle: Why do so many reports involve strange, triangular-shaped craft-often described as dark in color, virtually noiseless and the size of a football field or larger? What, exactly, are they? And why are so many witnessed hovering or moving slowly and methodically, with no visible contrails?

Video volume of triangular prism