Raindrop massage
Raindrop massage

raindrop massage

Helps Reduce Inflammation – World wide studies have identified several essential oils as powerful anti-inflammatory agents. Basil, wintergreen, marjoram, cypress and peppermint essential oils help with all the common muscle conditions.Ĥ. Relax Muscles – Muscles that are sore, spastic or stressed will also benefit from Raindrop Therapy. So if you’ve lost your “Joie de Vivre” Raindrop therapy will have you smiling and back to your normal self in no time.ģ. The oils can immediately penetrate cell membranes and diffuse through the blood and tissues instantly in a matter of seconds! The oils also cross the brain-blood barrier and effect the limbic system (the Amygdale) parts of the brain that control our mood, behavior and emotions. Helps Relief Stress & Emotional Well-being Therapeutic essential oils have a normalizing effect on the nervous system making them ideal for reducing stress, anxiety and tension. The analgesic ingredients in the essential oils help reduce pain and discomfort.Ģ. Reduces Pain – Since its development, it is becoming clear that the elements of Raindrop therapy not only reduces chronic back pain but also benefits other body systems. Learn 7 amazing benefits of Raindrop Therapy below.ġ. While bringing balance to the body, Raindrop Therapy can help relieve pain, promote healing and restore health. These therapeutic essential oils are designed to reduce inflammation and kill the viral agents responsible for it and continues to work in the body for 5-7 days following your visit. During Raindrop Therapy a sequence of high antimicrobial essential oils are dispensed like raindrops along your vertebrae followed by a relaxing massage. Vita Flex is a technique used to promote the body's natural ability to heal itself by stimulating the nerve pathways. Raindrop Therapy is the combination of Vita Flex and an essential oil massage.

Raindrop massage